Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Media Project

One of the things I learned from this project is how hard it can be to brainstorm creative ideas to teach media to students. When it comes to literature, I can imagine various ways in which this can work but the idea of teaching media itself had not ocurred to me. I never thought about how to teach students to create PowerPoint Presentations, or how to make the most of Youtube, or the web. I really didn't think that as an English teacher I would have to deal with any of this except to create presentations or have students do projects in literature. However, the possibility that there might be students that are not literate with this new media is plausible. This pushes me to think that I ned to learn as much as possible about the media and technology that we have in order to exploit it to its maximum potential. By doing this, I would be better prepared, not only to teach literature but Media as well. Having a small presentation on how to upload a video in Youtube or, how to film videos and make creations out of them, would be a nice way to spark some interest in the students and it will also  prepare them to do some of the projects I might have for them. However, most importantly, it will make them literate in the world of media which is the world of today.

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